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Tea: The Drink that Changed the World


Tea: The Drink that Changed the World


お値下げ❗️ 「Tea: The Drink that Changed the World 」 Laura C. Martin 言語 英語 ハードカバー 定価 US $21.95 #紅茶 #お茶 #茶 #本 【サイズ】 縦21㎝ 横14.5㎝ 厚さ2.3㎝ 重さ365g 【内容】 この本は、お茶の歴史etc.が書かれています。 Tea好きにはたまらない1冊です!どうぞご賞味下さい。 Camellia sinensis, commonly known as tea, is grown in tea gardens and estates around the world. A simple beverage, served either hot or iced, tea has fascinated and driven us, calmed and awoken us, for well over two thousand years. The most extensive and well presented tea history available, Tea: The Drink that Changed the World tells of the rich legends and history surrounding the spread of tea throughout Asia and the West, as well as its rise to the status of necessity in kitchens around the world. From the tea houses of China's Tang Dynasty (618-907), to fourteenth century tea ceremonies in Korea's Buddhist temples' to the tea plantations in Sri Lanka today, this book explores and illuminates tea and its intricate, compelling history. 【状態】 カバーに少しシワがあります。写真5枚目、背表紙にヤケがあります。中は破れ汚れなく綺麗な状態です。

Tea: The Drink that Changed the World

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